Friday 14 November 2008

.... accepted practice for Companies to pay bills late ? ?

Late Payers say it is accepted practice ......
Late payers have over the years paid bills when it has suited them. Without being challenged, and many of us are guilty of this it has grown into accepted practice. In the current economic downturn, it is common for big companies to delay payments to smaller suppliers and use bullying tactics to legitimise this practice. Pressure is on the larger companies but it is their smaller suppliers which can help stop late payments happening. Many small suppliers are finding themselves pushed to the wall and closing down because of this impossible cash flow situation. A company credit check gives information from a historical perspective it is a valid form of credit check management in the same way that debt recovery is used when things start to go pear shaped.
We have set up specifically to help businesses tackle the issue of late payment from their customers. Members are able to register late payments which are affecting their business. An email and fax is sent to the customer letting them know that if the bill is not paid within 14 days, other members will be able to see details of the non or late payer payer.
The beauty of the internet is that we can put members in touch with each other where ever they are in the UK. So if you spot a member is having payment problems with one of your customers or with one of your intended customers, you can get in contact with them.
DUE2PAY can be considered to be an added arm to the business debt collection industry, though we do not handle funds or take a commission. We work to get outstanding monies owed paid on time. The business banking world is tightening its belt with banks closing the doors on many small businesses which need money to pay their staff, overheads and day to day running costs. This is not the fault of the banks, in many cases, if customers paid their bills loans would not be needed from banks. Many companies are being forced into bankruptcy.
To use there must be no dispute over an invoice, if the buyer thinks it is in dispute, he can register that on the site. Members are anonymous on the site but are expected to enter into discussions through the site message system if someone contacts them.
We are trying to level the playing field and avoid the secrecy which late payers have traditionally relied upon. If you are intending going to court or to use a solicitor, try as an alternative and use your experience to help others.

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