Sunday 7 December 2008

........describe DUE2PAY as the must have business membership

........describe DUE2PAY as the must have business membership for all Limited Companies as necessary to financial well being as your normal credit checks. DUE2PAY goes much further than telling you if a business is credit worthy. It lets you speak with other business which are having trouble getting paid by any company you find listed as as a late payer on their site. Businesses are facing increasing problems with late invoice payments, bad debts and Debt Recovery. DUE2PAY is a website which encourages late payers to pay the bills they own. The view is that instead of the headache of court action or a solicitor’s letter, you can list a company as a late payer with and share that information with other members. Dispensing with solicitor’s letters and court action. DUE2PAY can be thought of as a UK wide business club, bringing members together over the internet to discuss business in the same way that they would if they were members of a local club having breakfast meetings.

The best thing about DUE2PAY is the incredible low cost for such a needed service. Free membership for the first two months, this is followed by only £15 a month. Compare this with the high costs of sending a solicitor’s letter, the interest you pay your bank or the costs of factoring.The success of local business clubs and networking is recognised by those who join them. Late payment is a common topic. In some industries is recognised that the longer you wait to chase a late invoice debt it is less likely the invoice will be paid. Add to this the interest you are paying out to fund the product or service supplied, the internal costs of employing someone to make the chasing phone calls, to write letters or the cost of taking legal action the overall cost is usually hidden. The warning signs are easily read but companies choose to take a positive point of view expecting to receive payment soon. However it is common to discover that your debtor is also a debtor to other companies. If you delay in recovering monies owed, your debtor may be wound up or made bankrupt before you get the money you are owed.The government has introduced legislation allowing companies to add late payment interest into their invoicing structure. Take up has been slow and is considered to be an administrative obstacle for small businesses which just want to be paid for the goods or services supplied. Using will highlight to your customer that you expect payment. If he is doing the same with his other suppliers, they will soon find out through the site. In addition, other companies which he approaches will be forewarned with the site’s Watch List. This is a useful feature which allows members to list companies and as soon as that company is registered as a late payer they receive an email letting them know that their Watch List has been ‘triggered’.DUE2PAY is up there with other traditional methods of business vetting such as business debt collection and company credit checks. It has an advantage of alerting members to things which are happening recently. The historical or traditional check methods should not be ignored as they are valuable indicators of how a company trades, their profitability and ability to weather hard times.

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